Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Empty home

I'm selling off my furniture for our move. Which I think is great because then I get to buy all newish things when we get there. BUT. I just sold my Dining table and chairs. The same one I grew up with. Even though it was beat to hell, I'm missing it. Its strange how we form connections to things that are absolute junk.

That being said, My dining room is empty. And it's driving me crazy.

Goodbye dear junky table.

You will be missed. Sort of.

(I bet my kids arehappy though. They can't get into trouble for not eating at the table)

Monday, February 13, 2012


Random utensil. Is it a fork or a spoon? Either way it works great to gouge out eyes. Which is what I want to do right now. With a spork.

This one is metal. Which I think would endure lot of eye gouging. I kinda want a pretty colored one...

Either way, metal or plastic, grey or purple, it would relieve my anxiety. So if i have a spork in hand, avoid eye contact and back away slowly.