Wednesday, July 16, 2014

So I was offered a modeling gig. Here was my response and it got me thinking.

So an acquaintance on my Facebook recently offered me a modeling gig. It was a pool party/ model shoot and he thought I should be a part. I was extremely flattered that he would think of me for something like this.

But then I got to thinking about it. I have had two kids. I have loose skin and plenty of stretch marks to go along with it. Did I really want to be around these models and their gorgeous bodies and be the one girl who looks bad in comparison? No. I didn't. I would have gone home in tears and feeling horrible about myself.

But why? Why should I feel that way. Having kids is natural and my body responded to that in a natural way. Plus there is always Photoshop right?

Thinking about all of this got my wheels turning. Why should I have to be photo shopped? Why should I have to be made to look skinnier and my body altered to what isn't reality? I shouldn't have to. Why are women held to such standards to be this perfect?

Every morning we as women wake up and do our makeup. Do we do it for us or for impression? Can we go a day without doing our makeup and hair? What responses would we get. I don't really wear much makeup to begin with. Powder foundation, eyeliner and mascara. Occasionally I'll go with some daring red lipstick. But what if I were to come in without all that.

I want to do a photo shoot. However, I want it to be something that looks as natural as possible. I understand the need for some makeup because of the lights but I don't want my blemished and marks to be hidden away completely. I want Mothers all around the world to see that what we have is part of our being. It is a reminder of what we went through to gain the best little people in our lives.

We don't need to cover those up. We don't need to hide. We are who we are and you know what? At the end of the day I am happy to be me.

Find me a photo shoot that will express exactly that and I will do it. We need to start changing societies standards of us.

This link is something every woman should read and watch the video. This gorgeous and talented singer is just another inspiration for this blog.

I'm not going to hide anymore.


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